What a Day! Wake up feeling fresh and cool than Bam you walk out of your room and your glasses fog up from the heat and humidity. Such is the norm here. We start working later in the morning than I would like when it’s hot but it’s a good work day and fun when you see the home owner sneaking out to see what it looks like. In 2 days we took out over a truck load of debris scraped and painted the house and sealed the roof. Her family bought all the materials but the team supplied the effort. Thanks to you the prayer warriors who supported us to do this. We had to stop a couple times because of rain but only a few minutes then the sun is set on fast dry. The team members don’t hesitate to help each other so work is actually getting done. I closed is a picture I took as she snuck out to look around before they caught her and rolled her back. She was excited and happy. That’s what it’s about to help our brother or sister in need
-Tim D
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