As we slowly trickle into the dining area for breakfast I see the faces of people I have the honor to serve with on this trip. We are all feeling the change of climate and the work. But we are in good spirits.
After talking with my wife, Lori, on the phone last night, I realized how much I depend on her wise counsel everyday. We talked about some of the events of the trip. We confirmed that my job here in Puerto Rico is clear. #1 - my job is to love above all. As with any diverse group of people, there are things that someone in the group may say or do that might “rub” me the wrong way. I am commanded to love one of the best ways I can show love is to work towards unity. I have found I disagree with some on their beliefs and politics. It doesn’t matter. None of those things have anything to do with why we are here to serve the people here. I pray to the Lord that I won’t be an embarrassment to Him with anything I say or do.
As I looked at my devotional this morning I was struck by God’s perfect timing for my life. God knows what I struggle with everyday. I thank you God for Your perfect timing AGAIN!
As we wind down our morning project of painting Brenda’s sisters ceiling, we are all working together. We give and take. We work with a purpose. I pray that we all keep in mind that it is for God.
From time to time I find myself thinking things about people and starting to make judgements. Then I am reminded that we are here to love.
Loving is not always easy. We are not called to like one another. I can dislike how someone acts. But I must love them. My dislikes are my business and my problem. I own them and recognize they are mine. I gave them to God and ask Him to allow me to love in spite of my petty human faults, judgements and missteps. God grant me the peace and comfort of His grace and mercy.
We finished at Lucy’s house and prayed for her. I felt her deep appreciation for us. It is early and we are done for day working offsite.
We have stopped by the beach for some relaxation. I’m not much of a beach person without my wife. The sun is bright and the waves are melodic and calming. I look at this beautiful beach and if I look close, I can see some pollution and trash. I choose to see the beach in all God’s beauty He created for us.
Just like people, I can choose what to see. I can choose what to focus on. Scripture tells us to focus on what is pure, what is good, what is helpful and uplifting. Thank you God for this time away to reflect and focus on you.
“The value of our lives is not determined by what we do for ourselves. The value of our lives is determined by what we do for others”.
-Simon Sinek
-Chuck M
Hello, from Puerto Rico, another great day the Lord has given us. It is a beautiful day to work for the Lord with God’s people. We have such a good group to work with today we went to another house to help with some repair, it is the sister to the one we finished yesterday. Today we was able to help by scraping and painting the ceiling and some of the walls and most of the paint went where it was supposed to but of course some ended up on our shoes and hair and of course our faces when we finished for the day we got to go to the beach and swim, about an hour was very relaxing and a perfect way to end a good workday had a delicious supper of pork chops, rice, and fried plantains.
-Julie D
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