As I start this day, my daily devotional mentioned that we should be content with what we have. God will provide all we need. We are a diverse group of people for sure.
But what about being content with our different personalities and quirks? We are called to love even those people who irritate us. I wonder, how many peopleI rub the wrong way.
I pray for peace, love, and unity for the group. I pray I won’t get on people’s nerves or become judge mental. I have a 46 year career that has been marked with events where my judgements have about people can mean the difference between life and death. It’s hard to always pull that back and just love. I pray that God will allow me to just love and open my heart to the people I am serving and the people I am serving with. God has a reason for us being here.
As I take a break and work, I think…that person didn’t paint the way I would … and then I think how many people are thinking the same way about my paint job. It dawns on me that we are all working to do our best…whatever that level is for us. I think, Lord, help me do my best for you Lord. Lord help me get out of your way……
Well, the painting has continued and my shirt is wetter than the walls we painted …
We keep working but the heat and working conditions have slowed us down. Most of us are just waiting for lunch to be served. There is a breeze from time to time that feels good. As anyone who knows me, knows I tend to work at max capacity … the people of Puerto Rico are wiser than I am I understand what they mean when they say to learn the Puerto Rican way…the people are kind and gracious and I feel at ease about today.
Lunch was served and Dolly had fed Lori and I Puerto Rican food for years. There is no surprises. Brenda was warm and energetic as a host. Now I am ready to take a nap.
My Fitbit says I have 5237 steps in today and it feels like 15,000 steps. Everyone seems to be settling into a working groove with one another. It feels good.
After a short but very taxing workday, we are stopping at the beach on our way back to the church. People are getting their feet wet, some their whole body. After the first day of work together, the group seems to be jelling a little bit better. It’s not easy to put such a diverse group together and have them work in unity. But the Lord is always good.
“I put all my hope on truth of your promise and I steady way heart on ground of Your goodness.
When I’m bowed down with sorrow, I will lift up Your name. And the foxes in the vineyard will not steal my joy.
Because you are good to me
Good to me
You are good to me
Good to me
You are good to me!”
-Aubrey Assad
-Chuck M
Where did I see god and how did he help us to resist the devil.
Being that this was our first full day of helping our host family, there were many opportunities for the devil to prevent our group from fulfilling God’s good work.
Some of the challenges we faced were; the team being hot and tired, the challenges of the “team building” process. Also, the unknown factor for us all, especially the members of our team that are first time missionaries.
I saw God in our team leadership setting expectations of immediately forgiving or ask for forgiveness for infractions. I saw a level of patience and understanding that helped to guide our way to success.
I feel that the newer members of the missionary community was shown God’s Grace by the more experienced members.
I saw God’s hand in subsistence that we received in breakfast and lunch and with drinking water. All was prepared by the loving hands of our volunteers.
All in all I feel that we are well on our way to having a successful mission trip using God’s will to resist the devil.
-John G
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