We got here at 6:30 pm, yesterday evening. Our luggage came in alright, our driver saw everything we brought and was wondering if we were staying for week or a month 😁, the church is just 15 minutes away from the airport, our dinner was ready, but...we were not complete. Our team was missing two valuable members: Julie and Pastor Tim Duffield. They had car troubles and complications gallore to get here. After our devotion, everyone went to their rooms to finish unpacking and getting ready for the next day. Juan Verde, Kelsey, and I were practicing how to open the door for the elevator so we can make sure that when we would go back to the airport at 3 am, we would know what to do. We practiced opening the car gate, the side door, and figured out where to park the van per instructions we got from Adrián, our host, in charge of things during regular business hours.
Meanwhile, Chuck and John were making Pastor Tim's bed; Debora was making Julie's bed. We figured out the lighting so that she could see, but it wouldn't be too bright nor too dark. We slept a few hours, and at 3 a.m., I found out that the plane was delayed yet a little bit more. I went back to bed (told John and Kelsey, "30 more minutes," which was precious at that time. Is this going long? Imagine Julie and Pastor Tim's ordeal who left their house around that same time the night before and were still en route. We made it back to the church at 5:30...yes, there were a few more delays, but our entrance to the church was smooth, and we slept almost 2 more hours before we had to start our day.
Do you remember the song about the rock and the sand? There's a part were the blessings were pouring in and wow...they began!! The breakfast was magnificent
We had a meeting at 9 a.m. with our host, Zulma, where she told us about the history of this church, Primera Iglesia Bautista de Rio Piedras. This was the first Baptist church on the island, and the accomplishments they've had in 124 years are amazing!
Today's worship service was the closing of their anniversary celebration. There were memories shared and lots of praises to God for their many blessings. The President of their board said in her talk about the anniversary, "This church is in the heart of this city, and this city is in this church's heart!"
Rev. Yamina Apolinaris sermon on Psalm 73 reminded us that when we ask, "What's the point of believing? What's if anything is a benefit of having faith? Why be faithful?" That first, all of these questions come from a place of faith and belief, not disbelief. These painful debates are real for the psalmist and for us today. She continued saying that something happened when the psalmist got to the temple that made sense. It doesn't say what happened, but there everything made sense, and the psalmist found strength and refuge.
We did too! We went to the beach in Condado. We had dinner and devotion in a restaurant in Old San Juan, and we were blessed with the words Pastor Tim shared with us from Paul "to learn to be content."
So, contenta I say, "night night 🌙 😴 " Tomorrow we start our work!
-Dolly T
Sunday, 7/16/2023 ( Day 2 ) Early this morning Pastor Tim and Julie Duffield finally arrived at 1st Baptist Church of Rio Piedras 5:30 am. Had a delicious breakfast at 8amserved by the faithful servants of (1st BC of RP) Jeanette and Brenda. 9am Zulma gave the orientation and history of the integrated relationships between the church, we are staying in, and the community they serve San Juan Puerto Rico. Afterwards joined the worship and celebrating 124 years of fulling the "Great Commission" with open doors and greatful hearts serving the city of San Juan and hosting many international teams during natural disasters and and pandemic. The daughter of the church Yamina Apolinaris served the word Coming out of Psalms 73. "What is my Faith for?" Ate Celebratory cupcakes made by Zulma , our host lead missions coordinator here in Puerto Rico. Also lunch prepared by José at 12:30 am. The rest of the day enjoyed old San Juan, took pictures, wrestled with the waves on beach front, walked down blue cobblestone roads and had dinner and devotion by Pastor Tim. Enjoy some memorable pictures and thank you for the prayers.
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