Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Day 1, Part 1.

The first day coming into Haiti was nothing short of amazing.  The people and the culture are beautiful as well as the land.   The experience in the airport here in Cap-Haitian was a lot different than back in the states.  Although a little hectic, we made it through.  We are staying with The wonderful pastor and couldn’t feel more welcomed into his home.  We had a wonderful devotional tonight followed by prayer.  We are looking forward to the wonderful things god has in store for us starting tomorrow.  

-Destiny Helpap


  1. Thank you for posting Destiny! You are heading down for breakfast soon and your day will be blessed beyond measure. Bob Kitchen is an amazing man and your time with him is quite special. Have a great day in the Lord. You will be surrounded by people who love the Lord and are so grateful for your presence. Thank you Lord for this team.

  2. Glad everyone made it safely, can't wait to hear some adventures and see some pics.
