Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Day 2, part 2.

After lunch we took a trip to the Bethel House to do some work. Every single time that we leave the compound to go somewhere I swear I am more and more amazed by the views that we get to experience. Once we arrived at the house we got into a line and worked together to move cinder blocks from one side of a building to another. But it wasn’t just us missionaries in the line. I was hard at work and not paying attention to anyone else except the two next to me, but then I took a peek up at the rest of the line and realized that some Haitian men and even women had joined in and started assisting us in our with our efforts. They were not asked to help and definitely shouldn’t have felt obligated to but they just started joining in and that was an amazing sight to see. After our work was completed at Bethel, we headed over to a couple different sites to see previous work and future plans to improve things such as housing and plumbing. On our back-of-the-truck ride back, it was interesting to see how much of a community the city is and how everything just fits together. It’s almost as if there are absolutely no driving laws and people just do what they please but it all really works together surprisingly. When we got back to the compound everyone wound down for dinner and enjoyed a nice little nap time. Then Deborah proceeded to break a glass into the ice bucket at dinner. We then congregated to the upstairs living room for devotions filled with lovely music and eye opening stories and bible verses before bed. Now its time for a nice long rest to fuel our bodies up for the work that God has in store for us tomorrow!

- Jeff


  1. I can't wait to read what Debora does tomorrow! Thanks Jeff for writing and sharing your experience.

  2. Nice comments, glad your having a nice time.
