Sunday, July 23, 2017

Day 6, part 1.

Yesterday in the afternoon at 3, I went to do the water project to help to install the water filter. I was so happy when I saw the people very happy about the projectbecause they want to have it. I’m so glad to see the team didn’t have any problems to put the water filters in that andwe are very happy to go put in the filters. I enjoyed this dayand, it was a good day for me I knew true God was there too and he does everything before we come. I’m glad God blesses us like that. 
That ‘s my day 

-Masius John 

1 comment:

  1. This would be a favorite of all the posts. John's sincere excitement about the water project and his deep understanding of the joy it brings the family is powerful. God bless John Masius.
