Saturday, July 22, 2017

Day 5, part 1.

We finally got to sleep in a little, but of course todays the day I wake up at 5:30. But after breakfast we went out to the beach to clean up for an hour than we swam in the ocean until lunchtime. We had really good spaghetti tasted better than in the states. Half of the group stay back at the house while the rest went to deliver clean water filters and check out the school that helped get clean water filters to the houses. The rest who stayed behind cleaned up the dirty rooms, or at least the girls did. We went out to La Kay, a restaurant, for dinner some of us played it safe and got really good cheeseburgers while the rest were more adventurous. We got guava  ice cream to top it off and raced home before a storm hit. Of course no rain so its pretty hot still. Had an awesome ending devotional and ready for Sunday morning service. 

-Mackenzie Lazarek

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